Planet 246

Ceri Subbé
by Sam Adams

Jac by Sam Adams

Y Lolfa, £9.99

Industrial exploitation of rural areas is often a strong theme in literature chronicling social, political and economic change. ‘The Welsh Industrial Novel’ – a term coined by Raymond Williams – is a genre that seeks to observe a uniquely Welsh ‘structure of feeling’. This is to say that the topography of hills and valleys, combined with characteristic Welsh identity tropes such as chapels and choirs, evoke a particular emotion in which communities are not mere settings for characters but are formative of inner character in the sense of a distinctive kind of personhood.

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About the author

Ceri Subbé is a PhD student at Bangor University. Her research focuses on Welsh Writing in English, with a particular interest in the work of R.S. Thomas. Alongside her studies, Ceri works in a hospice as a physiotherapist specialising in palliative care.