Simon Brooks decries the weakness of Welsh nationalism as demonstrated through Plaid Cymru’s General Election campaign, and argues that the national cause has become subsumed within a pan-British anti-austerity radicalism.

Why is Welsh nationalism so weak? Britain’s other small, stateless nation, Scotland, has undergone not one, but two national revolutions within the last twelve months. The dominant nation, England, is also speaking as a nation, and we must be grateful that its voice although on the Right, has found expression in a wet, Disraelian Conservatism, rather than the bucolic politics of the repulsive UKIP. Not for the first time, the Welsh should be grateful for the common decency of our friends and neighbours, the English.

Adding 0.8%, one voter in every 120, to the Plaid Cymru pile in the 2015 Westminster election was no result at all in a revolutionary situation. The British State is breaking up! It is 1848 by the Danube, Parnell in Cork in the 1880s, human chains across the Baltics in 1989. This is the British ‘Spring of nations’, the British emancipation of peoples. It should be a Brythonic revolution too.

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