Planet’s home is in the beautiful Old College in Aberystwyth. Are you curious about what lies beyond the sandstone walls? Or do you have memories of its labyrinthine corridors, gargoyles and ghostly graffiti from your student days? Here’s a short video tour of some of its nooks and crannies…

Aberystwyth University is currently working on exciting plans for the building, to turn it into a landmark cultural and heritage centre. You can find out more about the plans here: To support the project see:

Here are some of the creative contributions to Planet Platform by Aberystwyth University students we have mentored recently:

And here’s an exhibit of work by one of our AU students, Bethany E. Williams, in the Old College’s iconic Quad

Bethany Williams display in the Quad

Here is a Planet Art Podcast from 2014 where we interview the ground-breaking artist Mary Lloyd Jones, whose studio is in the Old College on her work and the role of the historic building in fostering the arts:

And here’s a 360° image of the Old College studios of two of our wonderful neighbours, the artists Pete Monaghan and Ruth Jên Evans. You can find more of their work here: and

Ruth Jên Evans portrait by Hywel Edwards
Pete Monaghan portrait by Hywel Edwards

Many thanks to Aberystwyth University for hosting us and enabling us to flourish.

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