Aberystwyth University is currently working on exciting plans for the building, to turn it into a landmark cultural and heritage centre. You can find out more about the plans here: https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/oldcollege/future-plans/. To support the project see: https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/development/support/theoldcollegeappeal/.
Here are some of the creative contributions to Planet Platform by Aberystwyth University students we have mentored recently:
And here’s an exhibit of work by one of our AU students, Bethany E. Williams, in the Old College’s iconic Quad
Here is a Planet Art Podcast from 2014 where we interview the ground-breaking artist Mary Lloyd Jones, whose studio is in the Old College on her work and the role of the historic building in fostering the arts:
And here’s a 360° image of the Old College studios of two of our wonderful neighbours, the artists Pete Monaghan and Ruth Jên Evans. You can find more of their work here: http://www.petemonaghan.com/ and http://ruthjen.co.uk/ruthjen.co.uk/croeso___welcome.html
Many thanks to Aberystwyth University for hosting us and enabling us to flourish.
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